In 2018, the Ayrshire Councils agreed to implement a new governance structure to oversee the delivery of the Ayrshire Growth Deal and to promote the objectives of the Ayrshire Regional Economic Partnership, namely:
- To achieve a step change in the performance of the Ayrshire economy and its contribution to the national economy.
- To ensure that economic growth benefits all people and communities in Ayrshire and, particularly, that effective support is provided to people and communities whose current economic access and opportunities are limited.
- To develop a consistent and effective Ayrshire offer to inward investors, indigenous businesses, individuals and local communities, which is high quality in nature and responsive to changing circumstances.
- To enhance growth in Ayrshire by making best possible use of all national and local expertise, capacity, assets and resources.
- To provide an effective mechanism for delivering the ambitions of the Ayrshire Growth Deal and the broader economic and related outcomes desired by the partners.
- To develop and implement a new Economic Growth Strategy for Ayrshire in collaboration with all stakeholders.
Regional Sector-based Groups
A network of sector-based groups in Ayrshire has been setup, comprising of cross-sector representation to provide a regional dimension to support economic recovery and renewal.
Key priority areas/workstreams have been established including:
- Aerospace/space sector
- Clean Growth
- Food & Drink
- Visitor Economy
- Digital
- Skills
Each workstream will lead the development of a recovery and renewal plan for the sector, in support of our economic ambitions, and provide regular updates and recommendations to the Ayrshire Regional Economic Partnership and Ayrshire Economic Joint Committee.
Regional Partners
Ayrshire Growth Deal regional partners include:
- Scottish Government
- Skills Development Scotland
- South Ayrshire Council
- Transport Scotland
- UK Government
- University of Glasgow
- University of Strathclyde
- University of the West of Scotland
- VisitScotland
- Third sector agencies
- Ayrshire’s business and resident communities
Our vision for Ayrshire 2033
Building wealth for everyone in Ayrshire by creating opportunities for those who want to live, work, learn and invest in the region.
Ayrshire has the potential to take a leading role in Scotland’s economy, where:
- businesses grow, and entrepreneurship and creativity flourish
- individuals have an effective voice, opportunity, security, fulfilment and respect in work
- enterprises and the public sector adopt innovative solutions to address economic problems
- people of all ages have access to resources to live a healthy, full and purposeful life
- communities thrive and essential services are available to residents and visitors
- natural assets and biodiversity are preserved
The new Ayrshire Regional Economic Strategy (external PDF, 4.5mb) was launched on 19 June 2023 and has been developed by the Regional Strategy Working Group of the Ayrshire Economic Partnership Board, in partnership with stakeholders from across the region. Please also find the Ayrshire Regional Economic Strategy Delivery Plan – 2023 to 2024 (external PDF, 16.5mb).